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It doesn't matter that the GameCube is over 15 years old, looking back at this list of the best GameCube games fills us with nostalgia-twinkling joy. Nintendo's enigmatic fourth home console represents the beginning of Nintendo's tinkering with the quirky, but also delivered some of the purest gaming experiences of all time. While it was nowhere near as ubiquitous as Sony's PS2 or as powerful as Microsoft's Xbox, Nintendo's bizarre little box – complete with a fashionable handle and miniature discs – held its own with a unique and eclectic catalog of first and third-party titles. We live in hope that Nintendo may bring its classic – as was rumoured back in 2016, with Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion and Super Smash Bros. Melee all reported as being in testing – but for now, we can console ourselves with ability to. Free vikings season 3 episode 2.

GameCube may not have had the most games, but it was never lacking in quality, playing host to some of the best entries in the Zelda, Metroid, and Resident Evil franchises while also bringing an array of incredible, wholly original content. It's time to get weird, as we celebrate the 25 best GameCube games ever made. Super Mario Strikers Mario and his amazing friends have dominated sports like tennis, golf, basketball, and baseball for years, always in the spirit of friendly competition. That all changed when the Mushroom Kingdom players entered the soccer pitch, as they competed with more intensity and aggression than we'd ever seen. It's strange enough to see Mario grit his teeth, let alone brutishly shove Peach into an electrified wall. That tough exterior made Strikers stand out from the rest of Mario's sports discography, though the enjoyable gameplay fit nicely with the series' tradition of inclusive gaming.
If you wanted soccer mixed in with random violence, this was your best choice on the Cube. Skies of Arcadia Legends Skies of Arcadia reigns as one of the premier Dreamcast RPGs. You'll quickly fall in love with Vyse and his Blue Rogues as they fight the evil Valuan Empire. Sega, after the Dreamcast unfortunately floundered, decided to port this excellent first-party RPG to the GameCube, re-dubbing it as Skies of Arcadia Legends. The epic dungeon battles are intact, the discovery system still works (now with more discovering!), and the battle system made the cut, virtually untouched.
Legends is the same game Dreamcast owners loved, just with some minor new elements and a fresh coat of paint. Any RPG lover who missed Skies of Arcadia the first time round no longer has any excuse to pass this port up. Ikaruga In a time when shoot-'em-ups no longer meant a thing, to see one so beautiful and so intoxicatingly vibrant come to consoles was a real feat. The game's focus on duality gives your ship its two distinct colours (black and white). One colour can absorb like-coloured bullets and store them for your own screen-clearing assault, but the other can deal double damage to enemies of opposite colour.
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It all boils down to a flurry of black and white pellets flying across the screen in a seemingly inescapable frenzy of action. When it's all in motion, your eyes will glaze over and raw instinct takes over. For those watching from afar, Ikaruga looks like a piece of flowing art. It really is that amazing. Sadly, the game barely made a splash when it was released, but its legacy lives on as a downloadable. Despite low sales and even lower awareness, those in the know will defend the title and its more obscure Sega Saturn sister, Radiant Silvergun, as the pinnacles of twitchy shooter insanity.
Beyond Good and Evil Frank West can go pound sand. Jade is gaming's original photojournalist, and she's much better at her job, too. Beyond Good and Evil has reached cult status among gamers, to the point where its recently announced sequel became the most talked about news to come out of E3 2017 by a giant pig-sized margin.
Everything about the game shines: the writing, the characters, the story, the graphics. There's not a whole lot that can be found wrong with it. This incredible package only makes us wish that the oft-rumored sequel would just present itself already. We're tired of waiting, Ubisoft. Give us more Jade. TimeSplitters: Future Perfect We play a lot of serious games around the GR+ offices, and every once in a while it's good to have a laugh at whatever's happening on the TV screen. Better still is when the game makes us laugh instead of laying on the seriousness.